Jose and Jessica Ramos serve as the Senior Pastors of Invoke Church. Through-out their walk in Christ, the Lord has always found a way to remind them of their important pastoral calling. They felt that calling become more and more urgent as they were working together at another local church, and decided to step out in faith and start Invoke Church. The church began within the walls of their home and as of February 2023 the church has found its temporary home at the Boys & Girls Club, in Newark, DE. Jose is passionate about the power of prayer and believes strongly in testifying the goodness of the Lord. He loves seeing people transformed by the Word of God and seeking a true and intimate relationship with Jesus! Jessica is also very passionate about prayer and loves pointing people to Jesus through testimony and simple conversation! Jose and Jessica have two Children, Juliani and Aliza. They have a daughter-in-law and two grandsons. They love spending time with family, being involved in their community, helping others connect with God, and pastoring the people of Invoke Church!